College Summer Jobs that are christian based and outdoors
Summer Job Search Thoughts:
You don’t want to be stuck inside wasting your summer away in an office at a job that just checks that “supposed to” box.
You also don’t want to come back in the fall only to find you had the most boring job and missed out on adventures and memories of a lifetime!
BUT you want to still be able to prove to your parents and advisors that you spent your summer wisely and invested in your future.
Finding that perfect summer job seems impossible, right? It isn’t! If you’re a Christian college student looking for a summer job with purpose, resume GOLD, excitement, incredible friendships, and ZERO regrets, Heartland Camp is it!
top Outdoor FAITH-BASED Summer Jobs for college students
Classic Christian Summer Camp Counselor Jobs
Living on-site at our Parkville, MO location these positions are immersed in our can’t-be-beat Christian community that we intentionally build to the highest standard year after year.
Teaching, singing, dancing, playing - joy is NEVER in short supply.
Gain experience in behavior management, working with a team and co-counselor, teaching children about God through Bible stories, and helping them to grow.
We have Overnight and Day Camp counselor positions! Develop skills that you will use for years in any career.
Christian Traveling Camp Summer Jobs
Get paid to travel around the United States’ mid-west with your team and help put on summer day camp programs for community churches.
Teach campers daily about God and the Bible. Learn to be adaptive and flexible based on how your group learns best.
Lead games, songs, and fun activities each day. Practice behavior management skills all while in a supportive Christian environment. This will be an experience unlike any other!
Always Included: Incredible Community
Our Christian staff community is unmatched. We work hard year after year to hire individuals who are ready to grow together and love one another. Many find friends for life and a place to call “home” forever.
Our camping model is “small group” so you’ll never feel lost in a crowd or un-attached to your campers. We’ve created an intentional experience that instantly bonds you and your campers for a life changing week you’ll never forget.
Christian Summer Camp Assistant Director Jobs
Living on-site at our Parkville, MO location or traveling with a team - this position helps to build and lead our incredible Christian community all summer long.
If you want experience mentoring college age staff, all while building your Christian leadership reputation and style - this is it. There is no better job. Resume GOLD.
Gain experience communicating with parents daily, helping kids through their challenging moments, and getting to lead ALL the fun events that our Day Camp offers. Reap the incredible rewards of this job, you won’t regret it.
Christian Summer Camp Assistant Lifeguard Jobs
Get paid to sit poolside all summer long while keeping kids safe! This position lives on-site at our Parkville, MO location all summer long. No experience necessary, all training provided. A strong work ethic and a love for service is required!
Our assistant lifeguards are mentored by our lead lifeguard, learn pool maintenance and often get to jump in to camp fun because they develop such great relationships with our campers.
An incredible experience to work behind the scenes and still participate in our incredible Christ-centered community.
Christian Summer Camp Climbing Instructor Jobs
Get paid to have an adventure everyday while keeping kids safe and helping them overcome their fears!
This position lives on-site at our Parkville, MO location all summer long. No experience necessary, all training provided! An incredible work ethic and joyful spirit required!
Live “on top of the world” all summer long while being part of our incredible Christ-centered community. You won’t want to miss this opportunity.
Christian Summer Camp Horse Wrangler Jobs
Our assistant wranglers gain incredible experience working directly with horses and campers while being mentored by our lead wrangler and a part of our incredible Christ-centered community.
This position lives on-site at our Parkville, MO location all summer long. Previous experience preferred but a love of service and great work ethic required!
Bond with these beautiful creatures, care for them and have a blast. Horse rides are often our campers’ favorite part of the week, and you could be a part of that!
Christian Summer Camp Support Jobs
Love serving others and working behind the scenes? We have support jobs that do just that!
This position lives on-site at our Parkville, MO location all summer long. No experience necessary but a joy for serving others is!
Learn How a Christian camp job can turn into resume gold!
Heartland Camp is a Christian summer camp located on 320 acres of rolling hills near Kansas City, MO. We are committed to hiring exceptional Christian high school seniors, college aged students and teachers for our paid, full or partial summer jobs and internships.
Now Hiring For a Variety of Christian Summer Camp Jobs: